Ian Connor (The Dying Logs Day 9)

Passed out in the middle of a movie and woke up at 4:30. Annoying as I had finished post and video and all I had to do was embed and add the link to homepage.

Hives and itching everywhere. Oddly though didn’t wake up with stomach pain. We’ll see how long that lasts though.

Man I’m so determined to get out of this. I am using less oxygen. My doc said there’s a 50 50 of needing pulmonary but can’t even afford it with no insurance and switching doesn’t make sense. It’s trash insurance and it would mean ditching 4-5 docs in Oklahoma I like way more than this trash ass Atlanta asshole docs. And in more and more straight off oxygen and dropped from one to two liters when I’m on.

Forgot to mention in video Ian’s connection to Carti. La name dropping baby even though I ain’t even meet him and hasn’t been relevant in years. Hey some content ain’t going to be great lol.

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