Autoimmune Protocol

I am 60% done with the full book that I will release for free. In the meantime, here is an ultra-barebones look at what I’m doing.

This protocol is the result of 8 years of intense research and experimentation including an 8-month functional medicine protocol with 2 doctors and a health coach.

In the book, I explain why each aspect works and exactly why I’ve organized things. Basically, I’ve created a protocol that is the most efficient and so effective it will heal even the worst cases. I believe this is the best autoimmune guide in existence. Aside from individualized coaching, this is the best way to regain your health.

Putting it out like this doesn’t do it justice. You need more context and details. Just give me about a month to at least put a first draft of the protocol out. In the meantime, here’s what I’m doing:

2-3 Weeks semi-elemental diet (using Absorb Plus) combined with oil of oregano and immunoglobulins.

Strict carnivore (meat, – preferably high fat beef – salt, and water only) with bone marrow and liver daily in form of high quality supplement.

L-glutamine, collagen, Vitamin D + K2, and iodine. Immunoglobulins for 1-2 months). Gut healing herbs supplement 1-2 months (optional and if tolerated).

If gut is still giving you issues after 2-3 months, either repeat elemental diet + oil of oregano or use herbal antimicrobials for 2 months. Also, consider a natural parasite treatment.

Go on Carnivore for 2 more months and if still not great, repeat previous step.

For the vast, vast majority, this will clear up all autoimmune and gut issues. You must, however, follow the protocol to the t. Any cheating or deviation may eliminate all potential progress.

I also recommend daily meditation, socializing with the right people, a solid relationship, fulfilling work, somatic and psychological self actualization, and other vital elements of health. These make a huge difference though I may be a bit out of my wheeelhouse here so I’m not sure how much I will cover them in the book.