About Updated

I have severe Crohns, IC, and PTSD (from almost dying over and over).

I’ve had acute pancreatitis twice, 2 pulmonary embolisms, fluid in my lungs that made it impossible to breathe, severe internal bleeding, a full intestinal blockage, a combination of severe C diff + pneumonia + Crohns that nearly killed me, a heart rate of 220 from the shock of surgery (almost put on life support).

My colon crumbled while my surgeon removed it (first time he’s ever seen something like that). Said it could have broken inside me any day. Emory researchers said I was in the top 20 most severe Crohns cases in the entire U.S. within the past 5 years.

Pictured below from left to right is after my colon was removed (weighed 84 pounds) and after I had an additional surgery and had internal bleeding (I look pregnant from all the blood):

I’ve spent my whole youth sick and often in severe pain. I chose the picture below because even though I look normal I literally spent over 2 weeks basically bed-bound before it was taken.

That’s how things went for about 6 years. Then I started improving a lot due to extremely strict diet, immunoglobulins, and antimicrobials. But when things were looking up I developed IC and chronic UTI out of nowhere and spent the next 2 years in agony.

Before all this started I was doing pretty good.

Went to the University of Georgia on full scholarship and was interviewing for the prestigious honors program (multiple Rhode scholars) when I started getting very sick.

During this time I also had a side business that has generated tens of thousands of dollars and was making good money freelance writing.

Before I got diagnosed I was actually planning on leaving college for. a year and traveling the world while generating money from my online pursuits.

Here’s me at 18. I think I was about 150 pounds. In just 2 years I would drop to 84 pounds.

Fast forward 7 years and I’ve gotten almost nowhere. Health issues have prevented momentum in every way imaginable. It’s like me running a race with a 50-pound weight attached to my leg.

That being said, when I go through periods when I work, I’ve seen some pretty good success as a “solepreneur” (hate that word). I’ve managed to get by on and off but keep ending up back at my parents when things get really bad and I need to be next to my surgeon in Atlanta.

This blog is me documenting getting out of this hell. I still believe I can overcome all this and get back to going after my dreams.

I’m engaged to Avery who is the most loyal, gorgeous, and sweet girl made on this earth thus far.