Unearned Wisdom (The Dying Logs Day 33)

Beware of all you see as they are wearing masks.

Those that don’t, mostly, can still only be 80% trusted.

It’s great to learn in any medium, even if the knowledge is discarded within your paradigm, but by far the best is experience.

In other words, get outside and live. You will quickly understand that what is said of those without masks intuitively and also realize they don’t tell the 20% that is too controversial. Thus, you quickly realize the messenger only is important for confirmation and running simulations.

Make sense? If it doesn’t, travel, read, socialize with both genders and get deep within life. Just as one good girl is worth a thousand bitches (more like a million) – The journey is worth 1000 podcasts or whatever.

Yeah, you know what I’m saying.

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