Pain And Strength (The Dying Logs Day 34)

Discipline is cultivated by the bad times which are actually the good times.

“Remember those days we ain’t had our shit together. On the northside times were hard but those days were better.” – Quavo

Ennui just as great an evil as pain and depression. What is the emptiness filled with?

I found the answer and it’s not rushing around like a rabbit, Tony Robbins style.

You can have everything, even lack of loneliness and still there’s sinking.

It’s natural it’s human and strength in God can help. But there’s no avoiding. Face everything. Cut off your fucking leg if you have to.

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I hate asking for money, but I've fallen on hard times and can't support myself. If you are interested, my brother has created a Gofundme.

$2,800 raised of $10,000 goal
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