Tears In My Eyes (The Dying Logs Day 28)

Medical problems have taken so much.

But so much wisdom is gained.

I’ve been suffering daily, unable to get out of bed mostly.

But the tears in my eyes are from gratitude not suffering.

Thank you.

Never will I return to the darkness.

I am human. I will make mistakes but man am I so different. The way I look at things is so different.

I’ve been mostly depressed but oscillating through periods of joy and reprentence.

This is a once a lifetime experience. I am so drained but I feel myself slowly filled up with life again.

God forgive me my sins. I won’t obsess over God, I promise but right now the relationship through Christ continues to wash over me.

There is blood and that’s okay. More than okay.

I love you all so much.

I don’t cry but I should for all the blessings and for still managing to hold on and the beauty I see.

This is so hard but that’s what I’m here for.

Love of my life, I’m always in your heart.

I will continue to feel sentimental I think. I mean what I’ve been through and go through plus benzo withdrawal.

I will make it. And it’s thanks to you. I couldn’t do I without my loved ones support and everyone’s support.

Thank you. I don’t feel worthy but then I realize I am. I am really going to do something . I am really on the side of good.

Thank you.

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