The Lion And The Cobra (The Dying Logs Day 45)

Note – This post and video were created before this recent significant increase in die off symptoms like severe nausea, fatigue, and stomach pain which caused me to take a break from logging.

“The most beautiful thoughts often surrounded by the darkest.” – Ye

Lions are many things but for our purpose, I’ll say they are loud, roaring problems,

When lions present themselves we often deal with a long list of emotions that pop up including past traumas, emotions, vice – generally snakey issues.

Tread on the cobra when lions surround you and you’ll get through soul intact.

This what I’m doing and will continue to do.

A bit of a step back recently. First severe pain, then then other forms of suffering

Then relief and hope.

I expect that will certainly be the themes of this next month or so and certainly fine by me.

Everything being planned and organized. Vision clear in as many ways as possible.

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I hate asking for money, but I've fallen on hard times and can't support myself. If you are interested, my brother has created a Gofundme.

$2,800 raised of $10,000 goal
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