Embrace The Suck, Appreciate The Love (The Dying Logs Day 13)

I have so many blessings. Words can’t describe how thankful I am.

There’s a lot hanging over my head but I will make it.

The saying Embrace The Suck, Appreciate The Love came to mind today and I have every intention of living it out.

These seemingly facile sayings can be powerful. I remember in the book War and Peace one of the main characters (Pierre I think?) meets another man in the army who can sleep anywhere. That man says the secret is every night he says:

“Lie down like a rock, rise like fresh bread.”

I tried it, starting in middle school and going to sleep was easier for a long time (why I stopped saying it I don’t know).

Getting back to the main point…

What does it mean to embrace the suck and appreciate the love?

The suck builds you up internally and eventually externally. Keep in mind, it may take a very long time for this internal to reflect outwards but it will. I personally gurantee it. See my own life in 3-4 years.

And, when you accept things you become a fighter which gives you so much more power over the suck. And man when you need that extra push if you are a man of discipline, of accepting the cross, suddenly that push is edifying not impossible…. The difference between success or failure.

Love is the true currency of existence. Give it and accept it. Never take it for granted. Love is profound. Nothing is greater.

Tragically, many people have a poor relationship with love and that is very understandable. Accepting love is often harder than embracing pain. Thus, we must keep love in mind. When you are in your death bed you will know love is the most important. Accept it. Give it. It’s awkward, it requires opening up, maybe even opening doors that are closed very tight. But you need love.

Fuck comfort. Embrace the suck and accept the love. Hell yeah it’s uncomfortable. Welcome to living a life worth living.

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