Beautiful Nightmare (The Dying Logs Day 40)

A couple days ago, I woke up with a nightmare involving vice.

Unpleasant right? Well, not enjoyable but let me tell you what’s truly unpleasant…

Waking up from a nightmare and realizing that is a manifestation of your current life.

It quite simple doesn’t feel like that anymore for me. I’m still in limbo, I’m still, nowhere close to where I want to be and more importantly what I should provide for others and the world at large.

But man does a nightmare hit different. It feels like a warning that every day is an opportunity for good and bad and to stay the course of good in my own flawed way.

In other words, I woke up and was thankful whereas a nightmare while living in sin, realizing the state of your soul isn’t so far from what the nightmare represents, that is a horrific feeling.

I continue to grow and I love it. I know even more each day that good is good and bad is bad.

And so I realize I was living a nightmare that far exceeded health and it feels good waking up with less sin and more wisedom.

I realize so much there’s no getting away with anything and I used to think people got away with everything.

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