Accept Your Fate? (The Dying Logs Day 52)

Accepting things is the exact opposite of my personality.

Particular things I disagree with morally.

But of course within the common theme of this blog… the wasted fucking time.

Women tend to be able to accept things more and that’d great. It’s necessary balance.

I’m always spazzing trying to obsess over everything and that’s good but when it goes too far or when melancholy hits due to limitations,an good partner that is more released about what presents externally so long as moral choices are correct is truly beautiful.

I will learn to accept certain things if I have to but man do I have strive for higher in every way, purity, riches, health, etc. I can accept nothing less than greatness unless I am ineffably licked which – if you noticed many man would think that not only now but perhaps years before the present.

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